

By Abirami, Minnesota



Little Millet Flour - 1/4 cup
Yogurt - 1 cup
Water - 3.5 cup
Sugar - 1 tsp
Corn - 1/4 cup boiled
Mixed color Bell Peppers chopped - 3 tbsp
Carrots finely chopped - 2 tbsp
Cilantro finely chopped -1 cup
Ghee - 3 tsp
Cumin seeds - 1/2 tsp
Black pepper - 1/2 tsp (freshly crushed)
Green chilies - 1 or 1/2 (optional)


Mix Flour and yogurt until it is smooth. Add water and salt. Stir constantly to avoid lumps. Slightly fry Chopped veggies in ghee in a saucepan. Pour the mixture into large saucepan and bring it to boil. Keep stirring to avoid curdling. Turn the flame low-medium and simmer for at least 15-20 mins or until it thickens. Adjust the salt and pepper, add sugar and vegetables. Mix it together and turn off the flame. Garnish with cilantro. Millet soup is ready to serve. If it gets too thickened, you can add hot water to make it to serving consistency.